Wednesday, February 17, 2010

chickens, chickens everywhere!

Nate had the brilliant idea early last summer to build a chicken coop once the weather cooled down. Just about the time he got over the idea, I started warming up to it. So here we are, several months later, proud owners of an (almost finished) chicken coop (still gotta wire in the run), and parents of three chicks: Rufus (the buff australorp), Bob (the Rhode Island red), and Dot (the speckly Wyandotte). If you want eggs, I'm sure we'll have plenty in a few months... come by!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

pumpkin carving

Mine is the crappy looking black spot between the four pumpkins of awesomeness. Damnit.

Go Knights! St Pete Bowl '09

Monday, January 11, 2010

California, summer 2009

This was the summer of trips: I went to Japan in June, Nathan and I went to Chicago AND San Diego in July, and then we were off to the gulf in September. It was memorable, to say the least. Thanks for all the hospitality, friends!

Bob's boat and his birthday fireworks/celebration

We all caught something this day-- and we barely even had to leave the boatslip! The floating deck above is actually a baitshop you pull up to with wells that are stocked every day. It was a fave hangout for pelicans and sea lions. Nate kept saying, "why don't WE have those in FL?!"

Capt. Bob at the helm

Nathan reenacts Adam's first clothing item-- the kelp strip

Look! A prinate! (ha ha...)

stairwell to the lighthouse

Chicago, summer 2009

We went to Chicago this past summer to take in a Cubs' game and catch up with some old friends... Unfortunately, 99% of our photos were taken with a camera where the disk went bad. So we are left with these few reminders of our trip.

Some people don't like "the bean" but we thought it was pretty cool.

On game day, we spent all day in the vicinity of Wrigley, drinking local brews and soaking in some Cubby-lovin vibes.

Andrew & Clarissa's Wedding, July '09

Go, Ross, go!

Ari was flower girl

The Grossmanns from Minnesota made the trk

Ali, Kara and Kevin beatin' the heat

To the right, Mom and Cathy

Andrew, Nate and Noah

What we do best: scenes from camping, boating, biking and fishing